0748311466 | nubianstudentsorganization@gmail.com

Welcome to NUSO

Ilm de gudra!

Empowering the community through Education, Unity and Personal Growth Initiatives.

Discover the heart of our organization, where we are dedicated to creating meaningful change.

  • We aim to provide educational support with our tution program.
  • Promote unity and generosity through our iftar program.
  • Empower individuals with our Mentorship Program

Our organization's bedrock is an unshakable commitment to these values,shaping our daily actions and choices. They serve as the guiding light, ensuring our mission remains resolute and impactful, driving our passion to effect enduring change in our community and beyond.

Why Us

Why Choose NUSO

Commitment to excellence

We are dedicated to setting new benchmarks in our community.

Unique value Proposition

Our Unique value proposition stems from our unwarering dedication to preserving culture,upholding religion and giving back to the community.


We take pride in our industry-recognized accreditations and awards for our contributions and remain steadfast in our mission.


Check Our Projects

Health Outreach Initiative.

Masjid alamin trust, in partnership with the Kenya Association of Muslim Medical Professionals (KAMMP) and Sun-pharma, hosted a medical camp for chronic illnesses where a number of services were offered. This was done at the Allamin grounds on the 13th of February 2022.

More than 250 patients were attended to, 50 being vaccinated for covid 19, which indicated that more people were being more receptive to the vaccine. 20 people received the counselling services which was an improvement from the customary 2-5 people in previous camps

"Let the beauty of your Heart speak".

As the world celebrated the world menstrual hygiene day on 28th of May, NUSO together with other grassroot organizations that champion menstrual health and hygiene (MMH) across Kenya came together in a bid to find ways to amplify advocacy efforts and actions of grassroot organizations.

We shared ideas on resource mobilization and capacity building opportunities for the various projects being undertaken by the organizations. We also discussed and shared solutions to the challenges that hinder us from having an effective impact on our communities.

Money Management Workshop

The fruits of success they say, are sweeter than honey. On the 4th of December, we celebrated the successful completion of financial literacy sessions. Congratulations to all graduates for committing and dedicating themselves to this enriching proces

We appreciate our teachers, Mr. Esmail Ali and Miss Halima Dube, Mr. Ibrahim Yunis and Mr. Umar Sakwa for celebrating with us

On the 23rd of February, we visited Raila secondary school to deliver our final words of encouragement to the candidates as they approach their final examinations

We shared tips and encouraged them to adopt the best study and revision techniques. We also advised on getting more spiritual and spending time in prayer, as this creates more psychological comfort

A journey of Growth and Empowerment

We commemorate the end of a successful Nubian youth camp that has seen us achieve a milestone. It went on for a week from 15th to 21st January 2023 at Rowallan camp. The main themes taught were:

  • Nubian heritage and language
  • Islamic teachings
  • Mentorship
  • Civic education


Our Event Archive

Education and Innovation

22nd Jan 2022

In partnership with PAMOJA FORUM, an umbrella organization for several CBO’s dealing with philanthropic activities, we had a youthful program on the 22nd of January 2022. We hoped to create a network for youths, where they could share their experiences and areas of excellence. It was like an exchange program of sorts, in which diverse areas like fashion, bakery, online work, social media branding and education were covered. Presentations were given by Abdallah Abdulhalim (who owns a fashion company), Aisha Mohammed (author and mental health activist), Haron (digital marketing), Alby (content creator), Aisha Twaha (professional chef and baker), Khadijah Abdulrahman (nutritionist and hijabi model) and Daniel Otto (sports development practitioner

Islam on Topics

7th Oct

The organization hosted an event highlighting the Islamic perspective on homosexuality, mental health and healthy lifestyle on the 7th of October at madrasatul Falah library. The conversation with young people on mitigating homosexuality and depression from the society had 70 participants, majority being high school students.Apart from the wonderful presentations from our respective speakers, we interacted with the young learners and got a gist of their experiences in school and at home. It was also explained that homosexuality is forbidden in Islam and that engaging in the behavior leads to punishment for Allah (SW) but also that Allah forgives all sins, if we decide to turn back to him and mend our ways. We send heartfelt gratitude to our speakers for honoring our invite and HAIBA representatives; Mr. Hassan and sheikh Yusuf for their support.

Stationery Distribution

2nd Jan 2022

We did the annual distribution of school stationery and soap to several needy families in our community. The program is normally sponsored by Babs (the proprietor of the noble initiative) in collaboration with NUSO. We understand that in these difficult times of covid 19, many parents are having difficulty in acquiring meals, let alone school books.


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What they're saying about us

What they say about NUSO written here.

Fatma Abdulswamad

Treasurer clerk

What they say about NUSO written here.

Mahfudh Abdulgaddir

NUSO Chairman

What they say about NUSO written here.

Anim Yahya

Vice Chairperson

What they say about Nubian Uiversity Students Orgaization goes here

Ibtisam Mohammed

Research committee Chairperson

What they say about Nubian Uiversity Students Orgaization goes here

Omar Mohammed

Organizing Secretary


Our Leadership Team

Mahfudh Abdulgaddir


Anim Yahya

Vice Chairperson

Khadijah Mahmud

Education Committee Chairperson

Omar Mohammed

Organizing Secretary


Contact Us


Kibra Makina, Nairobi , Kenya

Open Hours:

11:00 AM - 2300 PM


+254 48 311 466

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